This site is dedicated to the notion that the time has arrived to enjoy life. All the planning for the future has paid off. The future is here.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Post Election

As for me, I am relieved that the election is over. Now we can spend a lot of time listening to news about how poorly run the McCain campaign was managed. Let's face reality. My president, Barac Obama, organized and ran an amazing campaign.
There were factors that neither camp had any control over:
1) McCain is old.
2) Barac Obama is bi-racial.
3) Biden talks before he thinks.
4) Our economy was headed for a melt down for many years because of risky loans.
5) When things are tough, the public only blames the President's political party.
6) Palin is real.
7) McCain has principals that he refused to compromise.
8) Bi-racial in this case was perceived as black.
9) Obama is a great orator.
10) Young voters are influenced more by hyperbola than by contemplation.
I admit that even though these things were beyond their control, the campaigns could, and in some cases, exploited these phenomena to their advantage.
Now, how do we move forward? Let's all agree to get behind our new president. Let's pray for his success. Let's, constructively, suggest the ideas that will give him success. The only way that our country can be successful, is for our leadership to consolidate us behind a plan that can succeed. My role is to work as a team member of the greatest team ever formed. That team is the United States of America.


Anonymous said...

Good blog. I was getting worried you were having so much fun on facebook at my expence that you had forgotten your blog. Barb

Kayak Bandit said...

Barb, I would never say anything bad about you if I thought anyone would believe it was true. Everyone knows that you are a cheerful, wonderful, caring, beautiful human being. I am proud you are my sister!

Kayak Bandit said...

Now, about the chestnuts.