This site is dedicated to the notion that the time has arrived to enjoy life. All the planning for the future has paid off. The future is here.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Got Shot

I have allergies. They are a problem. Allergies prevent enjoying the special time known as spring. I love spring even with allergies.
I love getting the kayaks out for the first time. I love going for long leisurly walks in warming weather. I love the smell of earth as I prepare a garden. I love watching the transformation of trees from skeletins to fluffy orbs. Spring is great, even with the negative part of pollen.
I used to get shots for my allergies, but decided to get off the shots a few years ago. Gradually, my allergies worsened util last year when they were intollerable. I went back to my allergist and am now working my way back up to the maintenance dosage that I will need to combat allergies in the coming years. Whenever you go in for a shot, you have to wait in the waiting room for one half hour after the shot. This is because there is a slight chance that you may have a reaction and go into anaphalactic shock (spelling?).
Oops, I just now posted this blog before I was done with it.
While I wait, I use my laptop to come to this site and write to you. My time is up and I am off to other things. See ya later!
Kayak Bandit

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