This site is dedicated to the notion that the time has arrived to enjoy life. All the planning for the future has paid off. The future is here.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Another Mouse

Last night, about one in the morning, Bandit woke me. He was making a fuss. He usually can go all night before needing to go outside. I cannot go all night without visiting the bathroom, so I got up and let him outside. He was happy to go outside. While he was checking out the back yard, I did my business in the bathroom.
My cat, Allie, eats her cat food on the back of the toilet tank. She was up there munching and crunching away. Shortly after sitting myself down, Allie jumps down and immediately jumps into the bathtub. I never noticed her go into the bathtub before.
It became instantly apparent why she jumped into the bathtub. There was a mouse in the tub. Sure enough. I assume the mouse climbed the cloth, outer shower curtain and into the tub, but could not get back out because the inner shower curtain was plastic and the mouse could not get enough traction to climb back up.
Well, Allie would go up to the mouse and the mouse would run for his life. When the mouse had no other option, he would just sit there in desperation. Allie would sit near the mouse and bat the mouse with her paw. The mouse would take off again, only to get tired and have to sit for the cat to again torment him. After a little while, the cat just laid down. The mouse sat in terror for a little bit and then ran to the cat and dove under the back end of Allie. Allie tried scratching it out while laying down, without success. Eventually Allie would get up and start a new cycle of terrorism.
I could not take it any more. I put the mouse out of it's misery and flushed it down the toilet. Allie jumped out of the tub as though it was just another day at the office. Nothing can be as nonchalant as a cat!

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