This site is dedicated to the notion that the time has arrived to enjoy life. All the planning for the future has paid off. The future is here.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

I'm On My Way To.......

I may be silly, but I did not go visit my daughter's and their families at Christmas or New Year. For that matter, It was before Thanksgiving that I was last over in the Seattle area. I really like the time I spend there. But, I prefer to spend time when their lives are running along on normal.
When you are a guest at someone's home and they have all the responsibility to entertain you and others, they have little reserve energy to sit for a long time and chat. They may be heading to the store to buy last minute presents. They may be double checking the cupboards to make sure they have all the ingredients to make the pies, potatoes, turkey, gravy and more. I like it best when you can casually wake up and go into the living area with socks and pajamas. If no one has beaten you to the punch, you can make a pot of coffee and go get the paper. In other words, just fit in.
I am headed to Seattle tomorrow. I know there will be open arms waiting for my hug. There is nothing better than an enthusiastic hug from a grandchild. It is even better than the delightful hug of your own child. Children do not hold back. They come running and actually do jump into the hug. I can hardly wait.
I suppose I will help build some contraption out of Legos. I will slightly exasperate the boys because I do not know all the tricks to make something fit perfectly. But, it will be evident they enjoy the "help" anyway.
I am hoping I will get some hand written booklets with pictures. The pictures will show the obvious similarities to their family and pets. I say obvious, tongue in cheek, because I miss the obvious until the author points it out. And only then can I see what should have been obvious.
I am hoping I get to read some of them to sleep. Oh, and isn't it great to study the face of a child or baby while they sleep? Holding a baby in your arms while they succumb to sleep. The soft breath, the twitching lip or when they react to an unexpected noise. Boy, am I lucky. I can hardly wait.
Kayak Bandit


Anonymous said...

You ARE lucky, KB. And what a great idea going after the Christmas rush--excellent timing. Enjoy those grandbabies, they don't stay little for long!


Anonymous said...

Awеsome article.
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