This site is dedicated to the notion that the time has arrived to enjoy life. All the planning for the future has paid off. The future is here.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Where Am I?

Boy, A lot has been going on in my life. I gave up on blogging for a while because I only had mean things to say. I was angry that I had lost my job. I was angry that God was allowing my mom to suffer with dementia. There were so many reasons to be angry.
Well, I think I am turning the corner on all of that. My house is refinanced with easier payments. My new job is pretty good. My new computer is nice. We had a wonderful letterboxing bash here in Spokane. Bandit is completely healthy. Stephanie and Jessica came for a visit. Jennifer and family are coming to visit in August. I will soon have another joy. Emelia will be born in about one month. I am making good progress on egress from my basement bedroom. The shots I am taking for allergies is working. My kitchen is marvelous. I am losing some weight with the rigorous work schedule.
All in all, Life is good. So, in answer to my question - - "Where am I?" - - I am in a happy place again. Expect some regular posts again. I plan to revisit my favorite subject. That is, my wonderful childhood in Minnesota.
See ya soon,
Kayak Bandit

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