This site is dedicated to the notion that the time has arrived to enjoy life. All the planning for the future has paid off. The future is here.

Saturday, July 4, 2009


I like to make my own choices.
I like to pick Huckleberry Heaven ice cream to eat in a waffle cone. I like to wear a Gonzaga hat. I like to go to bed early and wake up early. I like to leave the tv on even when I am not watching it. I like to have one dog and one cat. I like to drive my Jeep Cherokee. I like to scratch where it itches. I like spending too much time at my computer.
I like having to earn money enough to do the things I like.
When I was a baby, I got what I wanted without earning it. My wonderful mother anticipated my needs and supplied them for me. I am very glad I grew to support myself without hanging onto her breast. I am also very gratefull for the many breast feedings that led me to my independence. This nurturing made me strong. From the very beginning, it was well known to all that one day I would be weaned.
As a nation, I fear we have way too many people unwilling to give up the breast feedings after they should be weaned. Think. What would have happened to my mom if each of her babies continued to breast feed. Nine grown kids getting their nurishment from one pair of breasts? She knew when it was time to reduce the nurturing. This wonderful country should learn from my mother. Stop allowing so many people to hang onto the free programs. Wean people from the dole so they can discover the fulfillment of independence and success on their own.
Our freedom to succeed or fail is the very reason our Country declared it's independence.
Happy Independence Day from Kayak Bandit

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