This site is dedicated to the notion that the time has arrived to enjoy life. All the planning for the future has paid off. The future is here.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Our Dad

Our dad is a very special person. Dad has been there for all nine of us children through thick and thin. We can find some shortcomings if we look for shortcomings, but I want the world to know his one amazing quality. Love.
Dad was a well respected man in the Verndale, Minnesota farming community that I grew up in. Dad managed to buy the machinery that he and our neighbors needed to harvest our crops. Our neighbors would hire dad to thresh their grains. These were especially fun times for the farmers because we would all share the effort. Each farm would supply tractors and wagons to haul the bundles of grain to dad's threshing machine. Lunch and dinner was served by the women. You have not lived until you eat a threshing meal. Yum!
Dad has a foundation of faith in Jesus Christ. Dad was grateful for what we had. Dad openly gave thanks to God.
Dad was and still is very stoic. I did not see dad cry when mom died, but we all know how very much he cared for my mom. The same is true of his expression of love to each of us. Dad did not give flowers or flowery praise. Did showed a sense of his love in less overt ways. I remember often, Dad would tell about our accomplishments to our neighbors and friends. When I would overhear him speaking well of me, I determined to do even better. I knew he had noticed.
Because of his stoicism, he did not hold us or hug us. One way to get near him was in church. I tried very hard to sit next to dad in church. We would start out with me sitting up straight. After time, I would start slouching toward dad. If I flopped over against dad, he would make me sit up again, but if I slouched slowly toward him, he would allow me to snuggle close and feel his strength and smell the scent of a real man.
I am thankful that I have such a wonderful man for a role model.
Kayak Bandit

Saturday, July 4, 2009


I like to make my own choices.
I like to pick Huckleberry Heaven ice cream to eat in a waffle cone. I like to wear a Gonzaga hat. I like to go to bed early and wake up early. I like to leave the tv on even when I am not watching it. I like to have one dog and one cat. I like to drive my Jeep Cherokee. I like to scratch where it itches. I like spending too much time at my computer.
I like having to earn money enough to do the things I like.
When I was a baby, I got what I wanted without earning it. My wonderful mother anticipated my needs and supplied them for me. I am very glad I grew to support myself without hanging onto her breast. I am also very gratefull for the many breast feedings that led me to my independence. This nurturing made me strong. From the very beginning, it was well known to all that one day I would be weaned.
As a nation, I fear we have way too many people unwilling to give up the breast feedings after they should be weaned. Think. What would have happened to my mom if each of her babies continued to breast feed. Nine grown kids getting their nurishment from one pair of breasts? She knew when it was time to reduce the nurturing. This wonderful country should learn from my mother. Stop allowing so many people to hang onto the free programs. Wean people from the dole so they can discover the fulfillment of independence and success on their own.
Our freedom to succeed or fail is the very reason our Country declared it's independence.
Happy Independence Day from Kayak Bandit

Friday, July 3, 2009

Where Am I?

Boy, A lot has been going on in my life. I gave up on blogging for a while because I only had mean things to say. I was angry that I had lost my job. I was angry that God was allowing my mom to suffer with dementia. There were so many reasons to be angry.
Well, I think I am turning the corner on all of that. My house is refinanced with easier payments. My new job is pretty good. My new computer is nice. We had a wonderful letterboxing bash here in Spokane. Bandit is completely healthy. Stephanie and Jessica came for a visit. Jennifer and family are coming to visit in August. I will soon have another joy. Emelia will be born in about one month. I am making good progress on egress from my basement bedroom. The shots I am taking for allergies is working. My kitchen is marvelous. I am losing some weight with the rigorous work schedule.
All in all, Life is good. So, in answer to my question - - "Where am I?" - - I am in a happy place again. Expect some regular posts again. I plan to revisit my favorite subject. That is, my wonderful childhood in Minnesota.
See ya soon,
Kayak Bandit