This site is dedicated to the notion that the time has arrived to enjoy life. All the planning for the future has paid off. The future is here.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Check out this video

Thinking of Bandito

Red Lion Man


Anonymous said...

Where's the video of YOUR dog??? You lazy Pops...get off the couch! We need some entertainment!
P.S. The kids loved the video of Bailey. We just want to see bandit, too.

Kayak Bandit said...

Back off from accusing me of couch time. I have shoveled a lot of snow for myself and neighbors. I am beat.

Anonymous said...

Have you shoveled enough for us to park our motorhome?

Kayak Bandit said...

I will move the snow if you will come up. I may have to use a backhoe to move all the snow. It is really deep.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, but guess we will wait a day or more. We are going to spend a week at Seaside after Kristens wedding.