This site is dedicated to the notion that the time has arrived to enjoy life. All the planning for the future has paid off. The future is here.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Third Rock Shrinks

Today I was amazed at how small the World is at times. Have you ever bumped into someone at a distant airport? Has someone called your name when you were shopping in the next town over? Have you been asked "Is your name (fill in your name) when buying produce?
Well, I must say, I have one that tops the cake. My younger daughter called me last night. Right out of her mouth came "Who is that person that posted on your Facebook page saying she is vacationing in Lincoln City?" So I explained that she is a lovely friend from my David Douglas High School in East Portland. I went on to say we have stayed connected over the years.
So, next I am asked if I think she would mind going to a Lincoln City pizza place and retrieve a jacket for my grandson. She explained the coat had been left behind while vacationing a few days ago. They had already continued on toward home in the Seattle area before they noticed it was missing.
I assured my daughter that my friend would be the type of person to volunteer to do that. I pointed out that she is on the reunion commitee from our High School. My daughter was not convinced it was okay to contact her at first, but eventually she was satisfied it would be fine.
As suspected, my friend was very willing to help out. So, I called back to my daughter. I gave her the friend's mobile phone number. I did not here from either of them for a long time. It seems they had much to talk about. I think they talked for close to an hour. She text messaged me this morning and assured me the coat is in her possesion.
Okay, so the next step, in this amazing tangle, will involve my ex-wife that lives in Portland, currently vacationing in Seattle with my other daughter. The plan calls for my friend and my ex to connect when they both return to Portland. My ex will figure out how to get the coat back to my grandson.
When you think you are wasting too much time on line, remember this story. You never know when Facebook will save the day!