This site is dedicated to the notion that the time has arrived to enjoy life. All the planning for the future has paid off. The future is here.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Cancer Threat

So, I went to the doctor on Wednesday to have him look at the roof of my mouth. It had gotten very sore the night before while eating popcorn. You know the kind of popcorn I am talking about. The kind where you buy the whole kernel yellow popping corn that makes such big pops. The kind where you pop the corn in corn oil and drizzle real butter and salt on it. You get the idea. All was going fine with the popcorn until it felt like one of the hulls had stuck to the roof of my mouth. Each time I tried to feel the hull and remove it, it made me gag. I resolved it by taking my dentures out and ignoring the annoyance as much as possible.
I went to work the next morning, but it was still bothering me. We had plenty help for the day, so I asked to go to the doctor. The doctor asked how I was doing and we conversed about the many stresses in my life. Then he asked me to point out the problem in my mouth. I described it to him and he gets out the light deal and points into my mouth. One very quick look, and he said I needed to go to a specialist because it looked like cancer. He tells the nurse to schedule an appointment with a specialist as soon as possible.
So, I go to the specialist on Friday morning. What a great team of people at this office. The doctor is very understanding and calms me down even before he starts to look in my mouth. Eventually he looks into my mouth and sees nothing noteworthy. He asks me to point to the spot with a tongue depressor. Once I did this he sees the problem and suggest I had burned it on some hot food. Well, I remembered eating something hotter than normal before the popcorn, and that is likely the answer to the scare.
He told me to return if it gets worse. Well, it is getting better. I expect it will be fine in another day or so.
Kayak Bandit