This site is dedicated to the notion that the time has arrived to enjoy life. All the planning for the future has paid off. The future is here.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Check out this video

Thinking of Bandito

Red Lion Man

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Snow, Snow, Snow

It is now Thursday afternoon. It has been snowing here in Spokane, Washington since early yesterday morning. I have 29 inches of snow in my yard. We broke the all time record for largest snow storm in our area.
The snow is beautiful. I love it, Bandit loves it and Allie hates it. Allie has an inside litter box, so she does not have to go out into the snow. I do not think she could get anywhere if she did go outside. It has finally gotten so deep that Bandit stays on the paths I have shoveled.
Earlier this morning, I watched bandit go outside for his usual outing to relieve himself. He ran back and forth on the trails and then leaped up over the pile beside the trail into show so deep that he disappeared. His nose pops up above the snow and he leaps ahead looking for an appropriate spot to poop.
Pretty soon his back arches and this causes his butt to be plunged into the snow. He leaps a few more times and tries again with the same result. On the third time he apparently could hold it no longer.
I may set up a camera and take some video of him cavorting in the snow. He went to work with me until they sent us home. He got cursed out for not being on a leash. I was at fault. I thought it would be okay since it is so hard to walk beside each other.
I told everyone that his name is Bandito the Mexican sled dog.
Well, I think I will go rest before doing some more snow management
Kayak Bandito