This site is dedicated to the notion that the time has arrived to enjoy life. All the planning for the future has paid off. The future is here.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


While waiting for a contractor to get ready for an inspection today, one of the workers pointed out that the owners of the home were having a garage sale and everything was free. Yes, really. Free, as in take it if you want it. Dick, where are you when I need you? After looking at all the old electronic stuff, tupperware, used plumbing parts and tvs without remotes, I finally settled on two white stem vases.
Kayak Bandit

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Back to work

Back to work sounded good while I was home, bored and weary. Now that I am back to work, I cannot understand what made me look forward to returning to work. My dog, Bandit, had to spend the day alone in a snowy back yard. Maybe the reason I should be okay with working is how happy Bandit is as I return home. He is always sitting watching me approach. He always wags his tail. Is he really that happy to see me? I bet so.
My left over chow mein is very good tonight. Chow mein, like some other food is better warmed up. I heard the microwave signal that it is done. See you later>
Kayak Bandit

Monday, April 14, 2008

Last Sick Day

I stayed home from work today. Yes, even I get sick once in a while. And no, this was not because I was sick of my job alone. I admit that I am very sick of my job, but I was sick from Saturday the 5th til now with a very bad cold.
I was so shiftless during this illness that even Bandit was rolling his eyes when I would do nothing but lay on the couch and moan. Nothing tasted good. Not even the extra large box of DOTS. They usually help, but no, nothing. I was too weak to scream at the idiot liberals on TV.
By the way, can you imagine expanding the size of government with health care for even those unwilling to work for it? Whew! Heaven help us. Those that say they cannot afford health care have fancier cars, phones, clothes, tvs and IPods than I do, and they want me to pay for the health care with more taxes.
What is with Jimmy Carter? Can you believe it? The arrogance of him to think he can say some nice things to Hamas and they will automatically become friendly to Israel. Yank his passport while he is out of the Country and let him live in Syria.
Let's meet here for another rant tomorrow. K?
Kayak Bandit

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Dick talked me into it!

I was doing just fine in life until my brother-in-law, Dick, talked me into trying out the geneology feature in Google. Now I sit up some nights till three AM entering obscure information about long dead relatives. Sounds morbid when I say it like that. Next, he insists we all put up pictures. It does not stop there. Email and now, blogging. Where will it all end?
With all these new responsibilities, I don't have time to breathe.
It is late now, and need to go to bed. I'll see you on the other side of the moon.
Kayak Bandit